Girls Inc. of Santa Fe’s Sticks and Stones program fosters understanding through community education, educates girls in awareness and advocacy, and encourages girls to use creative forms of expression to increase their own and others’ understanding and appreciation of everyone’s different race, sexual orientation, economic status, etc…

Language is a powerful tool – we teach girls to be effective communicators, to stand up for themselves/others, to use their own voice. This program was designed to: foster understanding through community education; educate girls in awareness/advocacy impacting their community; encourage girls to use creative forms of expression be advocates for change. If a girl can empathize with others and communicate effectively, she’ll be less likely to be violent/aggressive towards others.

We provide a safe, positive environment where we encourage communication, understanding. We use creative approaches, mentoring by paid/trained staff so girls can build bonds with one another. Using hands-on activities girls assess the climates of their environments, gain understanding about the differences/similarities between people, educate themselves on the rights of all people to be free from harassment; includes education, girl-designed projects, advocacy training. To date activities have been for younger girls, but we’re expanding the activities for girls in a broader age range. Activity examples for younger girls: “Family Circle” – girls bring items that show how their families are individual/unique. “Family Tree” – gives girls a chance to explore their families and who they “include” in their families. Before doing these activities girls read a variety of books, including One Dad, Two Dad, Brown Dad, Blue Dad and Meesha My Boy: a Two Mom Story.