It’s the Small Things That Stay with You
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It’s the Small Things That Stay with You

Since I began attending the summer program when I was nine years old, Girls Incorporated has had a great impact on my life.

I remember the first time I really became a leader. My group and I were playing a game that required everyone’s opinion. Everyone was talking except me, so I gathered up all of my courage, and with some help from my facilitator, shared my opinion. I explained my solution to the problem to everyone, and it actually worked. Ever since then I haven’t been afraid to speak up when I thought I had the right answer to something. To be a good leader, you have to be a good listener and know how to work well with your teammates.

It’s the Small Things That Stay with You

It may seem simple, however, the new things that I have experienced at Girls Inc. really have changed my daily life. I have tried rock climbing, hiking, new foods, and growing plants. I was initially reluctant to try most of these activities, but was glad I did. I now try to incorporate rock climbing, hiking, and many of the foods that I first tried at Girls Inc. into my daily life. Now, when someone tries to introduce me to something new, I no longer say no, I usually say yes.
