Erin Leads
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Erin Leads

Erin Cave is a joiner. In high school, she played tons of sports, participated in theatre, and loved English, Science, and Journalism. So, it’s no surprise that as the Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, she jumps into learning more about her coworkers and the passions and needs of our community. She’s active, upbeat, and positive, with a focused and passionate determination to learn more and do more. So, beyond being a joiner, Erin is an uniter. Serving on multiple employee resource groups at Thornburg that listen and center the voices of their staff – Women of Thornburg, the Racial Justice Task Force, Equal Ground, and TIM Culture Equity – she listens to the lived truths of her coworkers and helps to push forward that social responsibility.

When asked about her path towards her current job, she laughs because it was an interesting progression. Her degree was in Business Administration. That led to an exciting career in Sports Marketing, then to Events Planning, and eventually to Philanthropy through a personal interest in making a difference. In 2016, the Syrian refugee crisis was a profound humanitarian crisis. “I couldn’t sleep,” she explained, “I knew I had to help.” She approached her employer at that time with a plan to find a way for their business to get involved in assisting. It paid off and she went to Greece to volunteer in the refugee camps.

“There’s power in speaking your truth and telling as many people as you can,” she answered in regards to what she’d want the girls of New Mexico to know, “Eventually somebody will be able to get you to where you want to go. People genuinely want to help each other. There’s so much power in it.” Erin knows first hand there is power in speaking your truth and, as a volunteer with Girls Inc. of Santa Fe, says she’s inspired by how our girls are rockstars and loves seeing their power. Having women like Erin around, being another amazing female role model, is also powerful!