Devlyn Iturralde, Program Facilitator
Devlyn is the daughter of a single Hispanic mother who was born in Dalton, GA but was raised in Santa Fe. During her youth, she dreamed of becoming a scientist or an artist. She came to GISF as a kid on the Southside of town during her elementary school years. She recalls the positive impact her facilitators left on her and how it strengthened her confidence and knowledge in the sciences. During her Highschool career at The Masters Program, she focused heavily on community service, volunteering at non profits across town. This in turn opened the scope of her professional interests. Before coming to GISF, she was actively working in clinics throughout NM to provide access for health care services. She considers herself an activist for social reproductive justice. Devlyn believes that it makes her feel empowered helping translate for Spanish speaking only folks as she thinks it helps her community navigate access to their needs. She has two sassy Torti cats that she loves eternally, named May-Bird, and Azula. You can find her playing her Nintendo Switch during down time or sunbathing on a boulder in the middle of a lake.